R-LOGITECH: Technical information in connection with the capitalization of the interest due on 29 March 2023 on the 2018/2024 bond (ISIN: DE000A19WVN8)
Monaco, 23 May 2023 – As previously reported, with regard to the interest on the 2018/2024 bond (ISIN: DE000A19WVN8) due on 29 March 2023 at the rate of 8.5% p.a. for the interest period from 29 March 2022 to 28 March 2023 (both inclusive), R-LOGITECH S.A.M. has...
R-LOGITECH implements resolutions of the noteholders’ meeting and successfully extends the maturity of its bond
Monaco, -11 May 2023 – R-LOGITECH S.A.M. announces that the resolutions of the 2nd noteholders’ meeting of 29 March 2023 regarding the bond 2018/2024 (ISIN: DE000A19WVN8) have been implemented, following completion of the necessary conditions. The terms and conditions...
Information in connection with the capitalization of the interest due on 29 March 2023 on the 2018/2023 bond (ISIN: DE000A19WVN8)
Monaco, 6 April 2023 – As previously reported, the noteholders of R-LOGITECH S.A.M.’s 2018/2023 bond (ISIN: DE000A19WVN8) resolved at the 2nd noteholders’ meeting on 29 March 2023 in Frankfurt am Main with the required qualified majority of votes cast, among other...
R-LOGITECH: Noteholders approve all proposed resolutions recommended by the Company with large majorities
Monaco, 29 March 2023 – Today’s 2nd noteholders’ meeting of the holders of R-LOGITECH S.A.M.’s 2018/2023 Notes (ISIN: DE000A19WVN8) in Frankfurt am Main resolved, with the required qualified majority of votes cast, to extend the term of the 2018/2023 Notes to 24 June...
R-LOGITECH reaches agreement with ad hoc group of bondholders for the prolongation and refinancing of the 2018/2023 Notes and recommends the corresponding countermotion of SdK expected for today
Monaco, 27 March 2023 – R-LOGITECH S.A.M. (“Company” or “R-LOGITECH”) informs that it has reached an agreement with members of an ad hoc group of holders of the originally EUR 200 million 8.50% Notes 2018/2023 issued by it (outstanding amount: EUR 187 million) (the...
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